Bertin Ambiental acquires pneumatic conveying system for recycled thermoplastic resins

The core business of Bertin Ambiental, located in Lins, São Paulo State, is based on collection of solid residues, selective waste separation and recovery of industrial thermoplastic resins.
The company’s concern goes from waste separation to modern equipment and environmentally correct processes.
Bertin Ambiental always seeks for suitable ecological solutions when manufacturing out of solid waste, originated by other companies of the group.
Plastic materials coming from different business areas of the group are carefully separated in order to get a homogenized resin. More than 4 thousand tons of plastic wastes are recycled.
To update their factory with modern equipment, Bertin Ambiental acquired from JMB Zeppelin a pneumatic conveying system to feed 8 storage silos.
From the receiving hopper, the raw materials are directly conducted to the silos. The selection of destination silo is automatically done through pneumatic diverter valves. This process avoids manual handling, speeds up discharge times, occupies less floor space and grants a cleaner plant.
JMB Zeppelin supplied a completely automated installation, built according to the same strict international standards that are followed by the German mother-company.
JMB Zeppelin is proud of having participated in this important project.
Whenever materials handling is concerned, contact JMB Zeppelin’s application engineers.
Mark Heinke
Petrochemicals/Plastic Manufacturers