Zeppelin / Reimelt participated in the Interpack 2011 Trade Show held in Düsseldorf, Germany

Zeppelin Reimelt, participated in the Interpack trade show in Düsseldorf from May 12th through 18th of this year. This important event is focused on the food area.
Zeppelin Reimelt offers solutions and handling systems for powdered materials, grains or liquids comprising raw materials receiving equipment, pneumatic conveying systems, silos, dosing and weighing systems, etc. Optimized handling of raw materials increases productivity and efficiency of food producers.
During the trade show, Zeppelin Reimelt exhibited the following equipment:
• Recipure: This equipment is composed of lot recipients, totally avoiding cross contamination. As for each recipe only one single recipient is used, the contact between different mixtures is impossible.
• Codos: The Codos system comprises a complete dosing unit for dry solid products and liquids, a mixer, a kneader and integrated controls. Configuration of these systems allows for quick an ease change of formulas.
• Horizontal Mixer: This equipment is ideal to mix powdered products without cross contamination.
• Micro ingredients scale: This is a semi-automatic equipment for micro-ingredients weighing that reduces considerably errors during the process.
Zeppelin Reimelt is proud for having participated in this important event ant thanks all visitors for their interest in its new products.
If you could not visit Zeppelin Reimelt’s booth in Germany, do not hesitate to contact the Brazilian application engineers to learn about the most recent developments.
Whenever your projects involve materials handling, Zeppelin is your ideal partner.
Ricardo B. Santos