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Zeppelin Systems Latin America presented its new technologies at the Interplast 2014 trade show in Joinville, SC



Zeppelin Systems LA participated in the largest plastic fair in Joinville – SC, Interplast 2014, which was held in the Wittich Freitag Megacenter EXPOVILLE, between 18th and 22nd of August this year.

Once again, due to a large participation and highly qualified visitors, all of them focused on plastics and molds, both Interplast and EuroMold Brazil, made the difference and projected for the next months a generation of businesses of almost 500 million BRL.

During the five days of the event, more than 30 thousand visitors from 22 Brazilian states attended the fair.

“Going against the mainstream of the market’s pessimism, the trade show surprised by the technical qualifications of the visitors, their interest in the events held in parallel to the fair and especially the excellent acceptance of the Business Round commercial relations. We are sure, that the market felt fortified and optimistic regarding the business possibilities” concluded Mr. Richard Spirandelli, Director of Messe Brasil that organized the fair.

Among the many solutions involving handling of plastics, Zeppelin Systems Latin America presented, once again, the innovations of its line of products.

Who visited Zeppelin’s booth, could appreciate the main handling, storage, weighing, dosing, mixing and pneumatic conveying for solid and liquid raw materials new solutions. Furthermore, new technologies were developed to optimize already consolidated equipment and, thus, strengthen the company’s global presence and leadership in the systems and equipment market for plastic processors.

Zeppelin is proud in having participated in this event and thanks all its visitors for the demonstrated interest in its high quality products.

Whenever you have projects involving bulk handling solutions, do not hesitate to contact Zeppelin Systems Latin America application engineers.

Check with ZSLA – the best solutions are at your disposal!

Ricardo Santos

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